Wednesday 30 October 2019

Are gay individuals really "Born that way"?

"One can fool some men, or fool all men in some places and times, but one cannot fool all men in all places and ages" – Jacques Abbadie, 1684 (stolen by Abraham Lincoln in 1865)

Family chatter of a close relative “coming out” hardly ever goes down smoothly.  In a “normal” functioning family (immediate and extended) the likelihood of this revelation is least foreseen; though one is expected to be open-minded and sensitive thereof. As expected, there was a sense of taboo and “don’t go there” approach. Suffice it to say, this being the first in generations of strictly heterosexual individuals enjoying (loving) heterosexual relationships; it naturally triggered some consternation and denial from the parents of said wandering youngster, because while growing up, he displayed no signs of homosexual behaviour. On the contrary, my recollection of his youth is mischief personified; a domestic terrorist if you will.  

So, out of concern for the child in question, myself, true to form hit the information highway,  to search for some legitimate medical/biological/environmental/cultural explanation for the attraction between same sex individuals; To vindicate skepticism of his affliction, the information discovered in the hunt for the truth, shed a new light (in my opinion) on the narrative that “homosexuals are born that way…”

[Sidebar] For the sake of sharing an opinion, please do not shoot the messenger……my message, to be clear, is to debunk the assumption that “being gay is a natural thing” or “people are born that way”. So to emphasize: THIS IS NOT A MESSAGE OF HATE OR RIDICULE FOR THE GAY COMMUNITY.  
(Although, I probably will be branded a homophobe, nonetheless).

The long held belief that homosexuals and Lesbians are “born that way”, is much further from the truth than what society would have us believe.  First, let’s be brutally frank about a few facts; (1) Human sexuality is binary, in that, gender is determined by a set of chromosomes, you are either male (XY) or female (XX); (2) Naturally, the primary purpose of intercourse  between a male and a female is procreation, that is, to ensure the survival of the human species; (3) Anal sex between two men is the abnormal act of Sodomy; (4) Sodomy has no natural purpose in life which, in a normal society, may be seen as sexual violence, or rape. Yet, in a homosexual relationship, it may be termed consensual Sodomy, which goes against society’s norms and principles; especially religious beliefs and practices.

Regardless of whether one is religious, atheistic or agnostic, the act of Sodomy is abnormal; at least (in Western Society) this was the general consensus up to the late 1960s and early 1970s. In the last decade or two, homosexuality and Sodomy has been romanticized to the extent that it is seen in the same light as heterosexuality, i.e. that it is a normal thing, because…… “Gays are born that way

How western society was duped

In 1968 a book entitled The Population Bomb written by Paul Ehrlich, an entomologist at Stanford University, sent shock-waves throughout the US with his predictions of an unmanageable global population explosion within 2 decades. Considering that his academic studies and profession had nothing to do with demography, his book was more a reflection of his experiences while on a visit to the overcrowded city of New Delhi. Nevertheless, some of the statements shared in his book had a telling impact on its audience that spread and inadvertently exploded country-wide. 

This gave rise to a slew of statements, debates and arguments on the subject from high profile politicians and academics which eventually led to several proposals and recommendations being tabled to control and manage the “problem”. If the below graph of global population growth is anything to go by, the policies to manage the population explosion “problem”, didn’t seem to have much effect. Notwithstanding the fact that there do not seem to be an astronomical population growth prior to 1960, according to this graph.
Source: World Peace Foundation, Tufts

In March of 1969, Frederick Jaffe, then Vice President of an organisation called the Planned Parenthood Federation of America compiled and published a memorandum (The Jaffe Memo) outlining strategies and methods for combating a [mythical] population explosion. Included in the list of strategies, was a proposal to “Encourage increased homosexuality”. In July of the same year, President Nixon addressed the US congress and reiterates that “population growth has become a serious concern and needs to be managed accordingly……”  

Another academic central to this policy development, a sociologist, Kingsley Davis put forward that along with methods promoting birth control, he endorses “unnatural forms of sexual relations”. As a result, and in conjunction with these policies, Preston Cloud, a Bio-geologist representing the USA National Academy of Sciences suggests to legalize abortions and the union (marriage) of same-sex individuals as a matter of urgency (US Congress, December 1969). These developments spark open debates between defenders and detractors for the normalization of the lifestyle; bearing in mind that it was openly discriminated in the early 1960s.

[Note]: Here the question must be asked, why such a provocative proposal would be considered, especially when only 1 to 2% of the US population was gay; apart from the fact that the population included a majority practicing a faith that absolutely rejected the homosexual lifestyle. One could easily assume that this small gay community was to be afforded special attention over the vast majority of the population. Why would that be?

Before these ground-breaking pronouncements, as stated, the subject of homosexuality was taboo, and broadly frowned upon.  Gay and lesbian bars were hidden from society where they were used by the gay community to exercise and practice their lifestyle far from the prying public eyes. Resistance from the gay community to frequent raids, arrests and vilification from authorities was sporadic with very little appetite for protest. Shortly after the policy recommendations were proposed by government and academic bodies, the attitude from authorities towards the gay community softened, with a political and public campaign to legitimize the homosexual lifestyle as a normal entity. 

In June of 1969, the famous Stonewall riots occurred in downtown New York City, and carried on for six days. Suddenly homosexuals were emboldened and retaliated as authorities were loath to use the force exercised previously to stifle their activities. In the weeks following the Stonewall riots, the LGBTQ movement exploded with radical groups, magazines and other propaganda publications pushing their demands for equality and the immediate recognition of their lifestyle, as normal.

The medical diagnosis and classification

Prior to 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) classified homosexuality as a mental disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMII).  In 1963, the New York Academy of medicine published a report in which it stressed concerns about the rapid spread of the homosexuality phenomenon in the US.  These concerns were primarily based on the distribution of startling literature (homosexual propaganda in media and entertainment) and the spread of venereal diseases. Studies have proven that the spread of venereal diseases are more prominent in homosexual than heterosexual relationships; confirmed to be a direct result of serial promiscuity. Historical data shows that long standing homosexuals would have been involved with more partners during their lives compared to heterosexuals.

The report also declares that “The homosexual is an emotionally immature individual who has not acquired a normal capacity to develop satisfying heterosexual relationships. Consequently, overt homosexuality may be an expression of fear of the opposite sex and of an inability to accept adult responsibility…” 
Homosexuality has been identified as a mental illness because of the impeded development of an individual’s psychological aspects for sexual arousal. Psychiatrists have attributed this symptom to a range of factors, including social, economic and environmental causes.  Furthermore, the American Organization of Psychiatrists has defined homosexuality as “abnormal personality development with persistent emotional and physical attraction to members of the same sex”. 

Despite the factors mentioned, scientists have zeroed in on the one factor contributing mostly to (said) impeded development; namely, family relationship dynamics. These include a wide range of psycho-social factors, including parental behaviors and relationships, family neglect, rejection, over-protection, fatherless homes, dominant mother, etc. They have thus concluded that homosexuality may be onset in the earlier stages of a child’s life, and their relationships between parents and siblings are highly significant.

 Birth of the Gay Liberation Front

Out of the ashes of the Stonewall riots came the Gay Liberation Front, adopted as an analogy to the National Liberal Front in Vietnam; ostensibly politicizing the gay movement and its assault on society. Through this organisation, the gay community put forth a list of demands as a prerequisite for social equality. Some were targeted specifically at the American Psychiatric Association;
  • The APA to review its diagnosis of homosexuality as a mental disorder.
  • Publicly declare that homosexuality is not a disease
  • Start a campaign to remove widespread prejudice on the subject, with legislative reforms as an end result.
  • Collaboration between the GLF and the APA to ensure reforms are implemented per demands.
Thus, starts the attack on psychiatry through a strategy of staged protests and riots beginning in 1971. Conferences are disrupted with violence and venues trashed. The authorities make little effort to crack down on the rioters; (a reason for the lack of action from them; the protests were faked by a few activists and actors creating a performance for the media to create public awareness.  Naturally this account cannot be proven without substantial evidence, although the bizarre non-reaction from authorities seemed out of character). Any Academic or practicing psychiatrist who persists in labeling homosexuality as a disease is targeted and threatened.

An expert on the subject of sexual relationships, Dr Charles Socarides laments (from his book Homosexuality: A Freedom too far), “Militant groups of homosexual activists launched a real campaign aimed at harassing specialists, promoting arguments against excluding homosexuality from the list of deviations; they penetrated conferences where problems with homosexuality were being held, staged debauchery, insulted and interrupted speakers”. These misdeeds were followed up with anonymous telephone calls and letters threatening violence on them and their families. The APA eventually relented and created a special commission to negotiate with the Gay organisations. The fact that this special commission consisted of only gay participants, didn’t seem to raise much suspicion, although the conflict of interest was blatant.

Depathologizing homosexuality : Putsch of the American Psychiatric Association

Alix Spiegel, granddaughter of the President-elect Dr John Spiegel (Who incidentally happened to “come out” in his later years) of the APA gives an extraordinary account of how a coup on the APA began in the early 70s, beginning with private meetings and gatherings at her grandfather’s home in Cambridge, Massachusetts. With a sub-committee for gay rights firmly entrenched in the APA, she details how these “Young Turks” planned on establishing a leadership structure that would be sympathetic to their demands. They cynically called themselves the GAYPA, a sarcastic analogy of the APA. Naturally, leading the group was none other than her grandfather, John Spiegel who was later voted onto the Board of Trustees.

This internal pressure from the (GAYPA) coupled with protests, riots, and disruptions of conferences took its toll on the APA. In 1972, through a referendum the APA Leadership was overhauled, with a majority of homosexuals in key decision making positions. The APA leadership now boasted a powerful lobby of proponents for homosexual ideology. A year later, in 1973, the final nail in the coffin of the fight for gay rights and equality would be enacted.  By a unanimous vote (13 out of 15 votes from the Board of Trustees of the APA), homosexuality as a mental disorder was struck from the list of mental diseases in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSMII) and redefined as an Ego-Dystonic Disorder. And so the decision to overturn a researched, scientific and documented medical condition was made by a simple cast of votes. No scientific evidence, testimonies, or conventional medical trials were referenced to justify the decision.

Dr Robert Spitzer, who authored the new definition for homosexuality in the DSMII manual, had this to say “I came up with a definition in 1973 that made it possible to argue that homosexuality was not a mental disorder. The gay activist has taken the viewpoint that, from a politically strategic perspective, they would do better if they can convince society at large that once you are a homosexual, you can never change. I can appreciate that this helps them politically, and I’m sympathetic towards their political goals. But I think that it’s just not true

Barbara Gittings, known as the mother of all gay rights movements openly admitted in the 1992 edition of “Making History, The Struggle for Gay and Lesbian Equal Rights”, (20 years after her appearance at the APA Conference in 1972), “This never was a medical decision and it is precisely for this reason that everything happens so quickly. After all, it was only three years from the time that feminists and gays first zapped the APA at a behaviour therapy session to the time that the Board of Trustees voted in 1973, which excluded homosexuality from the list of mental disorders. This was a political decision…..we were healed overnight by the stroke of a pen”.

A survey in 1978 sampling 10,000 US Psychiatrists, showed an overwhelming 68% of them admitting that homosexuality is pathology. A 2003 poll of International psychiatrists also concluded with 70% of them considering homosexuality to be deviant behaviour. In 1987, the APA secretly removed all classifications of homosexuality, without consensus or justifying its decision.  The World Health Organisation followed suite in 1990 (ICD10) and removed its classification of homosexuality as a disease.

Who’s WHO in the (Medical) Zoo

World Health Organisation
The APA and WHO (World Health Organisation), are not considered to be scientific institutions with binding authority on medical science and its practices. The APA is apparently a glorified trade union that represents the interests of US psychiatrists and contributes little scientific weight in the diagnosis of mental diseases. The WHO is an administrative body in the UN that coordinates the medical interests of autonomous organisations. The ICD10 (International Classification of Diseases) is an administrative document of the WHO, that defines a list of medical conditions through opaque coding. 

This declaration is taken directly from the “Bluebook” (pg-9) of the ICD10 Classification of Mental Disorders; “These descriptions and guidelines carry no theoretical implications, and they do not pretend to be comprehensive statements about the current state of knowledge of the disorders. They are simply a set of symptoms and comments that have been agreed, by a large number of advisers and consultants in many different countries, to be a reasonable basis for defining the limits of categories in the classification of mental disorders.” By this statement, one can reasonably conclude that the (ICD) classification of diseases (in this case, mental disorders) do not promote scientific or academic interests. The fact that homosexuality is removed as a disease bears no correlation to historic scientific data. Therefore, any reference to ICD10 for homosexuality classification has no merit, due to the absence of factual scientific data supporting its removal.

Desensitization of homosexuality

Prior to normalizing the gay community, around the mid-to-late-70s, the term homosexual was the general term to describe any individual in a same-sex relationship. From the 70s this gradually gave way to more socially appealing terms such as “gay” and “lesbian”.  This was the first step of desensitizing the wider population from the stigma of homosexuality. In 1987 an article, “Overhauling straight America” by Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen appeared in a magazine called Guide that explicitly outlined a strategy to transform society’s approach into accepting the gay lifestyle as a normal entity and an equivalent to heterosexuality. These tactics included the following:
  • Talk about gays and gayness as loudly and as often as possible.
  • Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers
  • Give protectors a just cause
  • Make gays look good
  • Make the victimizers look bad

This strategy was extended into media, entertainment and education. In 1989 the article was then developed into a book, called “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90s”. The book was dubbed the “Gay Manifesto of the ‘90s”. As a result of this propaganda drive the mere mention of the gay lifestyle in a negative light would be seen as one being a homo-hater, or more succinctly, a homophobe.

The Link between Homosexuality and Pederasty (paedophilia)

The Old Oxford Dictionary defines Pederasty as the act of sex between a man and a teenage boy. In Ancient Roman and Greek cultures, this lascivious act was acceptable in society, seen as a normal relationship and no different to a heterosexual one. Today, proponents of homosexuality go to great lengths to separate the two and deny there is any link or connection between them. I’m not saying that all homosexuals are Paedophiles, but the LGBTQ movement would have us believe that homosexuality is far removed from paedophilia, which in retrospect is baseless propaganda. 

Extensive research has proven the exact opposite. Studies have shown that there are different levels of homosexual behaviour, from once off experimentation to full blown, in your face public pride and affection of “love” between same sex partners.  Paedophile behaviour, falls somewhere between serial promiscuity and developing an independent taste (sexual arousal) for young adolescents.

An independent study group of British researchers used evidence from a range of sources, including biographies, criminology, history and news reports to prove the undeniable link between homosexuality and paedophilia. The evidence shows that a very high percentage of known homosexuals and even higher percentage of homosexual activists, globally, are paedophiles. News reports and press coverage of entertainment and high profile public figures have been implicated in paedophile rings involving underage boys and girls. Of the most famous cases, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski and most recently, Harvey Weinstein and Jeffrey Epstein, stands out. There are countless others who are worth a mention, but the point is made, nonetheless.

Homosexuality and Education

When teenagers go through the natural biological transformation at puberty, the question of sexuality is common. They are at their most vulnerable during this period of their lives, and it is the perfect time to blur the question of sexuality in the confused pubescent.

The campaign to introduce homosexuality in education started when the 1972 Conference of the Gay Rights Platform included in their “Rights for Equality”, a declaration for Government to support sex education courses, taught by gay men and women promoting homosexuality as a valid and healthy preference of lifestyle.  Other demands included the repeal of laws governing the age of sexual consent and encouraging the right for homosexuals to adopt and take custody of children.   

If one were to unpack the relentless drive (in the West) to include homosexuality as a subject in school and college curricula I would be writing a book on the topic.  Therefore to keep it short, school kids in the West (specifically the US and UK) are being brainwashed through education that homosexuality is a normal, natural thing and are encouraged to embrace it like they would heterosexuality. The result of which has confused millions of teenagers as to their gender. They are indoctrinated to identify as anything but a male or female. Facebook in the UK has 71 different gender classifications for the modern male and female.

In a nutshell.....

In an effort to overturn the scientific evidence for the case of homosexuality as a disease, various academics and others attempted to prove otherwise with their own tests and research. Most notably was the research done by Alfred Kinsey and Dr Evelyn Hooker.  Firstly, both of these individuals were gay; secondly Alfred Kinsey was a zoologist who had no academic studies in human sexual relations (sexologist), and his research was not ratified by the psychiatric community. Dr Evelyn Hooker was a psychologist, and hers also never made the cut.  The fact that the condition was removed from the DSMIII-R list of mental diseases without scientific evidence as justification clearly proves that the research by the individuals mentioned did not stand up to academic scrutiny.

The main reason the gay community succeeded in their efforts, and turned the tables on factual scientific evidence of homosexuality being a mental disease, was primarily due to high profile public, private and academic figures with very deep pockets advocating for its normalcy.  Currently a whopping $424M is spent on LGBTQ lobbying and transgender funding. The reason why the case was made initially is quite plain to see; very high profile individuals who have a sickening sexual attraction to young teenagers looking for a safe haven to practice their affliction. The gay community was the perfect host.

Every CONSENTING ADULT on this planet has a constitutional human right to sexual preferences. The gay community has every right to exercise those preferences within the boundaries of the law and within their own circle of influence. But when there’s a concerted campaign to enforce that lifestyle on other groups in society, and then have the audacity to coerce governments to literally brainwash young teenagers to adopt it, the future of western society is at risk of social decay, as values and principles are sacrificed for an ideology that is proving with time, to be degenerative.

Lastly, all teenagers experience diverse biological changes at the time of puberty.. The danger, at this transformation, is not only beating it naturally, but still being influenced by nefarious groups with an agenda. Hopefully its not too late for the parents in my family's case to rescue the situation. If they cannot afford the expensive costs of a reputable psychiatrist, a moerse klap and a good tongue lashing should straighten him out, followed by unconditional love and careful nurturing.