Sunday 2 August 2015

Chaos in the House of Assembly – Episode 246

It’s that time of the year again……the inevitable JZ question and answer session in the House.  We expect yet another thrilling episode of chaos, pandemonium and forced removals.  No, this is NOT apartheid South Africa and the forced removals from District Six. This is the forced removals from Parliament, of elected representatives of the people. A place where each individual’s constitutional right to Freedom of Association, speech, and Assembly should be respected and defended.  That said the Red Berets seemed to not understand what all this freedom really meant in the respected sanctuary of Parliament. For them, “pushing the envelope”, means any and everything goes, in getting what they want.

Once again, the ruling party went to extraordinary lengths to minimise disruptions from the Red Berets – Covert training operations for parliament security personnel, (read South African Police Services) is once again on the agenda; changing of Parliament rules are tabled, although it remains to be seen if this will be effected before the day in question. Then again, given the lengths these sycophants will go to defend their Emperor, holds no bounds. Will the Red Berets at least allow Mshiniwam to answer the questions put to him, before they go off on their predictable digression again? Or will they prevent any questions from being asked of Mshiniwam. Either way, we are in for another thrilling quarterly episode of Presidential Question and Answer session on Thursday, August 6th. The Game of Thrones has nothing on this mini-series!

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